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                        Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society
                    Club Notice - 03/05/99 -- Vol. 17, No. 36

       MT Chair/Librarian:
                     Mark Leeper   MT 3E-433  732-957-5619 mleeper@lucent.com
       HO Chair:     John Jetzt    MT 2E-530  732-957-5087 jetzt@lucent.com
       HO Librarian: Nick Sauer    HO 4F-427  732-949-7076 njs@lucent.com
       Distinguished Heinlein Apologist:
                     Rob Mitchell  MT 2E-537  732-957-6330 robmitchell@lucent.com
       Factotum:     Evelyn Leeper MT 3E-433  732-957-2070 eleeper@lucent.com
       Back issues at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/4824
       All material copyright by author unless otherwise noted.

       The Science Fiction Association of Bergen County meets on the
       second Saturday of every month in Upper Saddle River; call
       201-447-3652 for details.  The New Jersey Science Fiction Society
       meets irregularly; call 201-652-0534 for details, or check
       http://www.interactive.net/~kat/njsfs.html.  The Denver Area
       Science Fiction Association meets 7:30 PM on the third Saturday of
       every month at Southwest State Bank, 1380 S. Federal Blvd.

       1.  I had an  experience  recently  to  which  I  have  given  some
       thought.   Evelyn and I were visiting with some other couples.  And
       I was telling a story about something that happened to me.  I don't
       remember exactly what the story was, but it involved wearing socks.
       (Gee, how many stories could I have about wearing socks?)   Anyway,
       I  was  saying  that  I went for some socks and realized that I was
       out.  At this point in the story I seem to have hit a hot button in
       one  of  my  listeners.  One of the women in the group looked at me
       accusingly and said, "Well, YOU know where the washing machine is."
       Well,  what  do you say at a time like that?  "Well, ha-ha, that is
       not really the point of my story?"  "Hey, I do my share around  the
       house."   Anything  I  could say at that point would seem defensive
       and lame.  After a moment or two Evelyn broke in  and  said  pretty
       much the same thing that I would have, but not so defensively.  She
       told our friend that I really do my share.  (In fact, we each  seem
       to  think  that  it  is  the  other person who does more around the
       house.)  On the whole Evelyn and I are  both  reasonably  satisfied
       with  the  equity  of  the  breakdown  of work in my house.  Now if
       Evelyn had said that the toilets need  cleaning  would  this  woman
       have  indignantly told her "you know where the toilet brush is?"  I
       doubt it.  I doubt anyone would have jumped to  my  defense.   Many
       times in the past Evelyn has kidded me about my foibles in front of
       these people, or berated me over a stain on my shirt, or  something
       of  the  sort  and  not  once  has  anybody  ever  jumped in to the
       conversation to defend me.  There is, I suppose,  some  remnant  of
       the  code  of  chivalry  that  says  that  men  do  not  enter into
       disagreement with ladies, and that they defend them  instead.   And
       no  male  wants  to be associated with this stereotype of being the
       male chauvinist who callously abuses  women.   On  the  other  hand
       there  is  this  belief among women that they need to band together
       and defend each other in sisterhood.  There is a fortress mentality
       that  women  are  constantly besieged by men and must constantly be
       looking for examples and fighting back.  I do not really blame this
       woman  since  I  am sure she has been told that this is appropriate
       even necessary behavior, but if this is not bias  and  prejudice  I
       have  to  say that it comes out looking a lot the same.  It is hard
       to tell from  the  old  beliefs  that  "us  whites  have  to  stick

       And this belief that women have to stick up  for  women  no  matter
       what  shows  up  elsewhere.   We  had a diversity meeting at work a
       while back and in it there was an exercise.  The men were  sent  to
       at  easel at one end of the room, the women were sent to one at the
       other.  Somehow diversity meetings always seem  to  involve  people
       writing at easels.  The exercise was to have each group list facets
       of how the work environment would be different if  the  proportions
       of  men  and  women  were  reversed.   Each side labored over lists
       thinking of the various characteristics they had perceived in women
       and  in  men  workers.   A lot of this was dredging up the positive
       stereotypes that we had gotten from  previous  diversity  meetings,
       positive stereotypes were thought to combat negative ones.  When we
       were all done the men's easel  listed  a  collection  of  projected
       changes.   If  one removed the entries that were neutral then men's
       list was something like 75% positive, 25% negative.  If one  looked
       at  the  women's  easel,  if  one  ignored the neutral changes, the
       differences were 100% positive.

       Now most peole  would  have  left  things  like  that.   But  as  I
       suggested  to  the  class,  let  us consider the answers in another
       light.  Let us consider this an exercise in how ready, willing, and
       open-minded  each  gender  was  toward working with the other.  The
       males had given answers that (after eliminating the neutrals)  were
       75%  positive  on  the  other gender 25% negative.  The females had
       under the same restriction given answers  that  were  0%  positive,
       100%  negative.   Now  both sets of answers were probably skewed by
       the fact that this was a diversity meeting and it was more or  less
       expected  that  you  should  be saying things positive on women and
       negative on men, particularly white  males.   On  the  other  hand,
       nobody  says  that  everyone  has  to  cooperate  at these meetings
       either.  Some people do  stand  up  for  their  principles  and  go
       against the flow.

       I still get mail from women with signature files  that  say  things
       like  "What  do you call a handcuffed man?"  "Trustworthy."  I will
       tell you the truth, because believe it or not I do  keep  track  of
       this sort of thing for diversity meetings.  I have been told in the
       1990s exactly one joke insulting to women and told to me by a  man.
       That  sort  of  thing has gone out of style, I suppose, and that is
       not at all a bad thing.  But we still see a flood of jokes with  an
       anti-male  bias  and  it still comes from women who think that they
       are crusaders fighting for a better day.  They feel that of  course
       there  are  just  a  huge number of anti-female jokes out there and
       they have a right to counter them.  In fact the  vast  majority  of
       gender-bashing  I  have  heard,  just  like  the  vast  majority of
       profanity on the job, has come from the gender  who  supposedly  is
       offended by such things.

       I think we have to decide if we are really moving  toward  equality
       by  encouraging  or  even acquiesing to what some may consider is a
       groovy and corrective bigotry on some people's parts.  [-mrl]

                                          Mark Leeper
                                          MT 3E-433 732-957-5619

            Martyrdom is the only way in which a man can become
            famous without ability.
                                          -- George Bernard Shaw
                                          (in days prior to the
                                           invention of the